
シルバーアクセサリーブランド アルテミスクラシック Artemis Classic silver jewelry

メメントモリスカルリング ACR0309 Memento Mori Skull Ring シルバーアクセサリーブランド silver jewelry


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ボリューミーなスカルリング。両目に大粒Cz、額にも細かいCzクリアを敷き詰めたパヴェ仕様の豪華なリング。沢山の輝石が美しく輝くジュエリーライクな造り。右側頭部には「Memento Mori」(死を忘れるな=今を精いっぱい生きろ)のメッセージが刻まれ、左側頭部にはブランドロゴとホールマークが施されます。細部まで精巧に造り込まれたデザイン。顎のない髑髏の形が手にフィットしやすく、フリーサイズ仕様でアーム先端には唐草模様がデザインされ細部にまでこだわりの詰まった逸品。


A voluminous skull ring. A luxurious ring with a pave design, with large Cz stones on both eyes and fine Cz clear stones on the forehead. A jewelry-like design with many gemstones shining beautifully. The message "Memento Mori" (Don't forget death = live your life to the fullest) is engraved on the right side of the head, and the brand logo and hallmark are on the left side of the head. The design is elaborately crafted down to the smallest detail. The shape of the skull without a jaw fits easily in the hand, and the free size design features an arabesque pattern on the tip of the arm, making this a masterpiece filled with attention to detail.

Width: 26mm (maximum)
Thickness: 8mm
Weight: 16.2g
Size: FREE (10-21)
Material: Silver 925/Cz clear
Accessories: BOX, guarantee card, shopping bag



*Earliest delivery date is 2/20(Thu) (may require more days depending on delivery address).

*Tax included.

*Shipping fee is not included.More information

Shipping method / fee

The shipping fees and delivery method/s for this product are as follows.
Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥3,980 will be free.

  • 佐川急便


    Shipping Fees are the same all over country inside Japan ¥770

The shipping fees and delivery method/s for this product are as follows.

  • EMS

    This shipping supports package tracking and compensation for damages.

    Shipping fees vary by region.

    • Asia
      Uniform rate for area


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*Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥3,980 will be free.

*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.

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